Applying for Moonifest Grants
Moonifest Grant Questions
Grant Application Basics: All Materials Must be Received by February 2nd or August 2nd. Here are the questions for the Grant Preparation Phase. Feel welcome to ask questions of us at any time via email or otherwise contact us.
Please share with us your idea:
Who will you work with? How will you activate Earth wisdom?
The more specifics of plans, goals, timelines, people, and groups that you can share about your vision, the more compelling your application will be.
Be sure to include how many micro-grant units of $130 you would like and how you would use the funds.
What will be the first output of your Moonifestation? How will you know if your Moonifestation is successful? How many Earth sentients will your project touch?
When in the next six months will the project be complete? What will be some important milestones along the way? What are some of the challenges you face in your Moonifestation?
Describe how this project fulfills the Moonifest.org's mission.
Please also include two letters of enthusiasm from co-collaborators or supporters.
Pictures, scanned doodles, any kind of supporting material are also welcome!
Make sure you include your name, email address, physical address, phone number, and any websites or relevant links.
Note this suggestion: It is extemely rare that one applicant has received 13 units of micro-grants. So we suggest you detail how you will use the micro-grants you are requesting, and what the breakdown of costs is, so that partial fulfillment of your grant request can be imagined.
You can print and send applications to Moonifest, PO Box 55995, Portland, Oregon 97238 or email them to us at moonifesting AT gmail DOT com. We encourage email. Electronic submission has the benefit of being easier on the Earth. But we will take applications hand written on the back of envelopes, the main point is to be inspired to send us your great idea/project proposal.
The Moonifest Grant Process
Grant Review Cycles: All Materials Must be Received by Our Timeline: February 2 or August 2
Grant Preparation is the part of the process when you and your friends dream up ideas and receive galactic inspiration. You will jot down your ideas and responses to the following questions in a 1-2 page document that you will email to us. You will also email two letters of enthusiasm from supporters/project partners/co-conspirators. Feel welcome to ask questions of us at any time via email or otherwise contact us. When you are ready, you can apply.
Grant Review is the part of the process when the review team gathers and thrills over all the creative project proposals. If we have follow-on questions we may contact proposers during this period of time.
Grant Notification is the phase when we notify applicants of the results of the application review process. We will make decisions within two moons (months) of the application timeline and then contact recipients and publish the results of that round of funding. For those being awarded grants, we will confirm postal address for sending grant checks as well as share web badges for web publishing and links to social media.
Grant Flourishing is the phase when the grant funds are received and the ecstatic moonifestation of your project flourishes. According to a lunar rhythm, brief report(s) of progress are made online and shared with the Moonifest Council. The Council reserves the delightful right to share and proclaim the flourishing of your project with the entire universe! We also have project "moontors" (mentors) who will help provide ideas, nourishment, and support for your success.
Recipient Reporting is the final phase of the grant process. Six months after grant receipt, email Moonifest with a brief report of your successes, how many people or other sentients were nourished by what activities. We especially appreciate photographs, vignettes, and success stories.

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy,
a quickening, that is translated into action
And because there is only one of you in all time
this expression is unique
And if you block it, it will never exist though
any other medium and will be lost . . .
The world will not have it
It is not your business to determine how good
it is, nor how valuable, nor how it
compares to other expressions
It is your business to keep it yours, clearly
and directly. . .to keep the channel open
You do not even have to believe in yourself
or your work. . .You have to keep open and aware
directly to the urges that motivate you
Keep the channels open!